The Carpenter’s Wife

In my other life, I’m a family historian.  I spend a lot times with probate records and tax lists trying to find evidence of my enslaved ancestors.  The work is tedious and not for the faint of heart.

While searching through a set of 1857 tax lists, I came across a curious entry – a carpenter for the local hotel paid taxes for a buggy, a horse and one female slave.  Having done this work for a while, this entry made me ask why?  The man was not a land owner, didn’t own a watch or his own home.  Why would he own a slave?

I followed him through the tax lists and census records.  By 1870, he was still a carpenter living with a female servant and two mulatto boys.  I took this information to a fellow genealogist who said – “You mean Aunt Sarah and the twins?”

With the slave codes in place in many Southern states, he could not free her.  After Emancipation, miscegenation was illegal.  I looked for them after 1870 and couldn’t find them.  Did they move North?  Did they move further South into Mexico? Have I romanticized them?  Or is theirs the story of a love that prevails against the laws of man?

Rainy Day Surprise

I published my first short story of interracial erotic romance on Smashwords today.  It has been an exhilarating experience.  I think I’m truly addicted to the Downloads counter.

Rainy Day Surprise involves an afternoon tryst between lovers, Kevin and Amber. Kevin’s attempt to appease his angry girlfriend turns into a fun romp.